Previous Blog : PArt 4
- A-Day-Care
... yesterday...i was away for whole day to my sister hse at Palm Spring ...she has been attacked again by her 'disease' of the i have to take a look at her, the daughter and my youngest sister who just came from Kedah last Tuesday..i have to cook n b there if anything happened... and later in the evening Hubby n I decided to overnite at her hse, if in any case she get attack again ....his husband working outstation and only b back by friday nite (tonite lah...) n i back home this morning after she said she will b ok.....its has been tiring...but today is her day...what about esok hari aku pulak....
One Utama Shopping
hehehhe.....after Friday pray hubby fetch me n we go fecth my younger sister to go 'back-to-school-shopping'....decided to go to One Utama coz its near to our hse and there is few sales on going for this school break + XMas celebration. Around 4pm .....PJ area esp our hse area rain n thunder everywhere.....hrrmmmm but it doesnt stop us to go n get my sister ready for it...she goin to attend her UPSR next year.... after get her 'beg -sekolah-oren' and school shoes, we shoot off to Mak Kina's hse at TTDI...need to send her to KL Sentral, coz she wana catch flight to Penang at 10, so the ticket shud be taken before 8pm. Huhhhh the road seem so stuck with all the cars...include us....But thank God we reach there quarter to 8pm....then we decided to take my sister to Popular and buy what else necessary....we shoot off to Ikano Power Centre, also very near to our hse...
Again 'shopping-back-to-school' ......... Jatt renew his Popular Card with RM10 n there we go with all the sationaries and books...... found out many new arrivals....where it show its quite long for me not to have my sweet time at bookstore, where it used to be one of the 'must-do-things' before i got married...but ppl changed when status changed.... lots of books...lots more materials that really make me feel ....if i have a bookstore + restaurant...fuhhhh syoknya...being in bookshop always gud feeling for me.....tetiba rasa mcm pandai...hehehhe...we both found few books tat really funny in title n some really great to read n worth buy...but we learned tat all book expensive whether the book thick or thin...its damn xpensive n we end up just belek2 only....Richard Templer dah ada new book, 'The Rules of Wealth'...huhhh crazy..... one day i will buy all his 'the rules...' book. Nice to read....we both have really a laugh of the day, when we belek2 one of the series from 'Man Fr Mars, Woman fr Venus'...heheheh quite true when woman always interpret something else wat man trying to say....n man quite hard to get the true idea wat abt woman trying to tell.....hehehhehe if all to easy to b understand and to clear to interpret, life must b so boring, so dull n so static......with all the differences, its where all grows where it shub be, the way it shub be n y it shud b......i guess....
Clearance Sales....
i spotted few clearance sales here n there...n i jump into one shop, sells all the woman stuff..Nusantara styles fashion but oklah i suka .. ...a nice baby-blue blouse just cost me RM20..where the normal price was RM 79.90....worth buying, coz not a reject item....just need to b clear; maybe old stock...but who cares how much it long it is nice n really suit the person....else you r branded type lady.... but somehow after all, i did not buy anthing fr the shop..."next year" maybe...went to famous shoe shop (a concept shop where sells all type of clothes for man woman n kids) compared to One Utama, no discount at all, but at Ikano ada plak...huhhh teruk......
Movie...tak move
we at 1st plan to go for movie, but seem not today event....i ask Jatt to bring me for a break after quite long ... for 2 hrs for CINTA film...the promotion of this film really make me wana watch how great it is, as per say by the media ...the media esp press seem to give a good cover abt this movie...n may be my 2hrs worth pay n waiting... but movie tak move.....maybe next time will do....never too sedar ker tak sedar...both of us never go for movie since bz but its sounds weird also.....tahlah......byk sgt nak buat dan apa yg di pikirkan have to be done....
- shortlisted in latest bit Sebutharga, coming week is presentation time, Good Luck jatt n wish u all the best....(consider my suggestion? will you?)
- thinking abt our Raya HAji destination...hhrrmmm difficult to say when no one knows actually we are really in deep ****..pening kpl achik mcm ni...haiya kenapa lah ada jugak org yg ssh nak paham org lain...
- my brain seem so briliant when giving opinion to the other- thinkng on behalf other ppl , while it seem dead for my own use.... ini sudah pening babe...
- got few interview in-line, just prepare myself to 'back to 9-to-5' work if in any case i get a i will just go......hunting again for the rice...
- Max Family event considered so succesful and we have really great great feedback from many ppl: - hematologist, patients, frens, volunteers, press, and many more....n its make my day till today....esok pukul 10am meeting....spaa nak sacrifice weekend almost everyweek just for free....but Max Family Core Group did....coz we believed with ourselves...there comes 'LOVE,HOPE, CHEER' for all...
i dunt know these few days blur......
n fell too messy....too messy for everything...
n now i am sleepy head......better i go bed....coz no point waiting for Jatt...he layan bini no 3....bini no 1 is the Harley Davidson, bini no dua gitar2 kesayangan, bini no 3 is DELL notebook n i lah kot no baik yg no 4 go tido...esok meeting Max Family at Central Market @10.00am...huhuhuhuhu
- The Star Today.....Friday December 1, 2006 - 02:39pm (SGT)
This morning i got SMS from Mei Ching, we are in news paper today....hoorayyy ...we are up to tell ppl who inneed.....we are here for you guys...helping hand for you....where you can find 'love hope n cheer........'
Source from The Star Online:
A support group for CML patients
A NEWLY formed local support group is organising its first get-together to raise awareness on chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).
Talks will be thrown in for the benefit of CML patients at the event at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital tomorrow organised by Max Family.
CML patients asking the doctors questions on the illness at the CML Day: Chit Chat and Fun.In providing support and helping patients know more about the disease, The Max Foundation local representative Ong Mei Ching, who emceed at the recent CML Day: Chit Chat and Fun afternoon, gave an introduction on the disease.
Max Family welcomed haematologist and lecturer from University Malaya Medical Centre Dr Haris Rahman who spoke on CML.
He gave an overview of CML and shared the basics patients need to know to help them understand and cope with the disease.
Max Family president Dr Abd Razak Muhamad said CML was a disease in which the bone marrow produces too many white blood cells, progressing slowly and occurs during or after middle age.Dr Abd Razak, a CML patient, said the support group is a platform for patients to share their problems and raise issues and concerns on CML.
“We are trying to establish a voice for CML patients so that they can come together, meet and talk about their problems.
“It is important for CML patients out there to know that there is such a group and they can turn to us for help and better understanding of what they are going through,” he said.
“We also want to organise more talks and have family days and outings for those in the group,” he said.
To contact Max Family, call 012-787 8084 (Dr Abd Razak), 013-363 3769 (Raja Noradzmi), 012-364 3168 (Shikin) or 012-303 8616 (Mei Ching).
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