Happy December, happy wedding and happy holiday....
Happy and safe return to all Haj pilgrims....alhamdulillah it has been end year for 2009...
Suka duka dan cabaran serta ganjaran selama setahun ini akan berakhir dan tahun akan mendatang mungkin satu azam baru pada semua....
Shikin's Touch secara tidak rasminya telah mengjangkau setahun, secara rasminya selama 10 bulan....dan syukur pada Allah yang tidak ternilai dengan perkataan ....segalanya rahmat dan limpahan rezeki drNya....dipermudahkan segalanya...
Rezeki bukan hanya dari pendapatan ...tetapi kesihatan yang sempurna, pengetahuan yang bertambah, kemahiran yang makin dilimpahi, kecekalan hati dan keupayaan fikiran, kehidupan yang bahagia, keyakinan yang semakin tinggi, keazaman yang semakin kuat, ikatan kekeluargaan yg bahagia, ahhh semuanya ...lebih dari apa yang dimpikan...semua dikurniaNya... syukur...
Suka duka dunia perniagaan, tipu helah antara jual beli, kekeliruan di pertengahan jalan...keterujaan berurusan, keseronokan mengejar impian...semuanya INDAH...SEMPURNA... MAHAL HARGANYA... TAK TERNILAI... KEBAHAGIAAN YANG JARANG DINILAI....
Experience menjadi tuan dan pekerja pada perniagaan sendiri adalah sangat HEBAT... WONDERFUL... having own small lil tiny bizz doesnt long I keep learn from it.... and I am happy doing this
THANKS to everyone who direct/ indirectly involved in this making my dream on the track...I will not say I am at victory nor failure but I on my way to something.....
Special Thanks to BAMBI, with loves and courage from you my BAMBI, I am now here with this...Thanks with lots of love. Please do not stop be my everything.... I need you more than I need you...
Thanks to MAk sbb mak tak percaya I can do, so I am now....heheheh I believed you happy for me deep down your heart... n tq to all my siblings...kita anak Pak Sahak can do if we want...with all the hardship and joyish moment in our life, you guys make me today...
Thanks to Fren , foe of coz, anyone who really 'in' this ...thanks hope you will have something in returns for supporting me all these while.
And the very special thanks you goes to all my clients,from day 1 till now...oh kerana anda saya di sini, begini and I will never stop...seriously you guys great clients I have....whether you bring me joy or stressful help me make it... hope you guys will keep supporting me all my way ...Thanks
I am very sorry if I have hurt or dissapoint anyone here, whether i mean it or not. I am just a human that sometime not cool at all. Sorry la yer...kadang2 kita manusia biasa...dah buat baru nak sedar... Maaf banyak2...
So, this is the announcement part that I want to make:
Officially Shikin's Touch has moved to new place, as per address:
Add: TD17, Level 2, Pasar Besar TTDI, Jln Wan Kadir, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
Business Hour: 10.30 am - 4.00pm weekdays (Sat - Sun by appointment)
For weekend appointment, please call in advance before Thursday.
Please feel free to visit Shikin's Touch. Thanks