Wednesday, December 26, 2007
short update
hello all...kinda miss of writing a blog again.....i am sorry for not updating many reasons can be given....but i just wanna apologizes for so long silence...
1st of all.....its not too late to wish you all Selamat HAri Raya all Muslims reader....and Merry Xmas to all Christians and
A Happy New Year to all of my fren out there.....May this coming 2008 is the best year all together...
short update .......
by today he is 4 mths old....he is growing fast after new born clothes e can wear any we both have to buy all new stuff for him....i am pity all the clothes coz some of them really nice and seem untouched....but what to do....
Iman is fine, very naughty but he lazy to catch new skill like he suppose can turn his body by now but he still lay to do...bit slower, my mum said he is heavy so that he catch the skill a lil bit slower.....we think sooner he will show his 1st tooth....n he bit cranky now coz of gump n teething problem
I am TQ God, he is healthy baby for now and doesnt seem gimme any problem at all.....sleep well. drink well and smiley face like father like son.......
Iman was so meaningful both of us.....i am happy to hv these 2 guys.....Iman n Abah
now abah a bit slimer.....heheh he did a very hard work too....btw, he is now traveling almost everyday for his new job...Gud Luck for Abah......
he is really nice man who deserve a beautiful life like what we have now.....i really appreciate what he did to both of us especially and to the rest of our family.....
Few pictures for pleasure viewing....
grumble by
Mrs Grumble
12/26/2007 04:56:00 PM